Chilli Oil
Chilli oil is the perfect addition to a bowl of noodle soup, rice, or stir fry. With cloves, star anise, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, garlic, Sichuan peppercorns, and fiery chilli flakes, this recipe promises to elevate any dish with its aromatic and fiery touch.
- 325ml vegetable oil
- 1 Bart cinnamon stick
- 1 Bart star anise
- 1 Bart bay leaf
- 1 ½ tbsp Bart Sichuan peppercorns
- 1 tsp Bart cloves
- 2 tsp Bart garlic paste
- 1 jar Bart chilli flakes
- ½ tsp salt
1. Add all the ingredients except the chilli flakes and salt into a saucepan, ensuring there is at least 2 inches of space above the oil at the top of the saucepan.
2. Heat the oil over a medium heat until it reaches 115C before lowering the heat to maintain the temperature. Small bubbles should be released from the aromatics, if they are bubbling too quickly, lower the temperature. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes – 1 hour. Keep checking the temperature to ensure the oil doesn't get too hot.
3. Strain the aromatics from the oil and bring the oil up to 120C, or if you prefer a darker colour 130C. Check with a small amount of hot oil and chilli flakes first to ensure your oil is at the desired temperature.
4. Place the chilli flakes in a heat-proof bowl and carefully pour over the hot oil. Stir carefully to distribute the heat. Stir in the salt and leave to cool completely.
5. Store in sterilised airtight containers in the fridge.
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