Where to buy Bart
Find our list of retailers here
Our ingredients are available to buy in a number of major retail stores around the UK, as well as numerous smaller stores.

Waitrose instore & online
We have 24 essential herbs and spices available in 250+ Waitrose stores as well as online at waitrose.com.

Can't find us in store? We sell all of our ingredients here on our website and deliver directly to you.

Online at Ocado
You can find our full range of ingredients, including herbs, spices, pastes, seasonings, and cooking ingredients on ocado.com.

In Store at Morrisons
We sell our new refill cartons, a selection of pastes and chopped ingredients in Morrisons stores across the country.

In Store at Booths
Find our full range of ingredients in Booths stores.

In Midcounties Cooperatives
We stock a range of herbs, spices, and seasoning in Cooperative stores in the mid-counties.

Online with Amazon
We sell pack bundles and single ingredient wholesale case packs through Amazon.

Independent stores
Numerous independent stores, farm shops, and delis around the country stock Bart. We are working on producing a full list to help locate us in the future.